ADHD Adults
Parents and College Students
How I Coach
Addventure with the Coach
About Bob
Shire Scholarships
Steve Jobs ADHD?

"You are Perfect just as you are and you could use a little improvement"

Shunryu Suzuki
HomeContact Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How do I get started?

Answer: Step 1: Call 828-331-8014 to set up a complimentary 45 minute interview with the coach. During the interview I will assist you in determining if we are good fit, and I am the right coach for you. 

Step 2: We will review how the coaching process works and the fee.

Step 3: Once you are ready to start your coaching, we will schedule an initial session and I will send out new client forms by e-mail.


Question: What is ADHD coaching?

Answer: The Institute for the Advancement of AD/HD Coaching (IAAC) defines AD/HD coaching as: "a designed partnership that combines coaching skills with knowledge of Attention Deficit Disorder, a neurobiological condition. The coaching process enhances quality of life, improves performance and supports growth and change. The purpose of AD/HD coaching is to provide support, structure and accountability. Coach and client collaboratively explore strengths, talents, tools and new learning to increase self-awareness and personal empowerment. Together they design strategies and actions and monitor progress by creating accountability in line with goals and aspirations."

I often say "it's better than having a best friend to confide in, because the conversation is always about you."  


Question: Did you say "the positive traits of ADHD?"

Answer: I tell everyone I speak with about ADD that it has been the best thing in my life, because it has led me to seek a life of sharing my sense of adventure with others. Here are some of the traits that have enhanced my life and my career.
  •         Creative
  •         High-Energy
  •         Intuitive
  •         Resourceful
  •         Tenacious (a surprising one)
  •         Warmhearted
  •         Trusting (sometimes too much so)
  •         Forgiving (sometimes too much so)


Question: What are "the negative traits of ADHD?"

Answer: If left untreated, the negative effects of ADHD can be devastating to the fulfillment of one's life.

  • Excessive and chronic procrastination
  • Physical restlessness or hyperactivity
  • Excessive impulsivity; saying or doing things without thinking
  • Poor attention; excessive distractibility
  • Difficulty getting started on tasks
  • Difficulty completing tasks
  • Frequently losing things
  • Poor organization, planning, and time management skills
  • Excessive forgetfulness





Question: How do these traits show up for a person who doesn't receive an integrated treatment? 

Workplace issues may include:
  • lost Work Productivity of 22.1 days annually
  • Lower occupation status
  • increase in absenteeism from work

Academic issues may include:

  • poor organization and time management skills
  • reading problems resulting from difficulty concentrating and focusing
  • poor note-taking or writing skills
  • Substance abuse problems such as:
  • double the risk
  • earlier onset
  •   less likely to quit in adulthood

Personal issues may include: 

  • high frustration levels or poor self-esteem
  • inappropriate social skills or too much time socializing
  • confusion about goals and the future
  • lack of perseverance or procrastination
  • lack of sleep and difficulty getting up in the morning


  •  3-5 times increase in divorce or separation
  • 2-4 times increase in sibling fights


  • 67% increase in unwanted pregnancy
  • 50% increase in legal challenges



Question: What do you mean by an integrated treatment?
 Answer: According to Ari Tuckman, PsyD, and MBA in his recent book Integrative Treatment for Adult ADHD: A Practical, Easy-to-Use Guide for Clinicians, he believes there are four essential parts.
     Traditional therapeutic techniques are not sufficient to deal with the many manifestations of this multifaceted condition. The integrative treatment model that I advocate contains the following four parts:
  1. Education to help clients better understand how ADHD impacts their lives and to correct the many negative misinterpretations of ADHD behaviors.
  2. Medication to improve functioning and set the stage for other interventions.
  3. Coaching to teach practical strategies to help clients stay on top of daily demands and to provide a foundation for improved self-esteem and self-efficacy.
  4.  Therapy to deal with the effects of ADHD struggles on self-esteem and self-efficacy, as well as to address coexisting conditions.