ADHD Adults
Parents and College Students
For Students
For Parents
How I Coach
Addventure with the Coach
About Bob
Shire Scholarships
Steve Jobs ADHD?

"You are Perfect just as you are and you could use a little improvement"

Shunryu Suzuki
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   Protect your

For the parents of ADHD college students I help protect your significant investment in your child's education. Without a mentor the college graduation rate for people with ADHD is 5% versus 35% for others. Your child will benefit from my knowledge and experience so that they hit the ground running rather than trip over things they don't see coming. My one-on-one approach to coaching works well for:

  • Helping students learn to be more organized so homework will get handed in, there will be fewer things lost, and fewer frenzied last minute searches for misplaced things. 
  • Help your student learn to manage time. Getting to class and going to bed are serious challenges for ADDers.




The Addventure Edge

Study by The Edge Foundation 

  Pre- and Post-test Results
  • Developing and improving skills for scheduling, goal setting, confidence building, organizing, focusing, prioritizing, and persisting at tasks.
  • Helping your son or daughter learn to manage money. Bounced checks are expensive mistakes.